
Jesus is Everything.

Balanced lifestyle.
Balanced diet.
Work-life balance.
Balanced budget.

We live in a society that promotes balance – a thoughtful mix of positive elements – as the ideal life.

My life is joyfully unbalanced. Jesus is everything.

I hold a Masters degree from one of the best universities in Sydney but I left behind a career to tell people about Jesus. I grew up in a place I love, but chose to leave this year so that I could be in a place where Jesus is less known. I earn enough money to experience the world through travel, but chose to give it away to Jesus’ church. I have a fiancé I can’t wait to marry, but we love Jesus far more than we love each other.

Paul was a founder of the early church, who persecuted Christians until he encountered Jesus on the road and became a Christian himself. In the face of prison and hardship and possible death, he said

‘I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace’ (Acts 20:24).

If Paul’s life couldn’t be used for the task that Jesus gave him, it was worth nothing to him. The good news of God’s grace, that Jesus came to earth as a man to die in our place as our substitute, is worth everything because it brings life eternal to everyone who hears and believes.

Jesus was Paul’s everything.

Are you striving for balance?
Have you ever wondered if there might be something that’s worth everything?

Brie Fist attends the Barrenjoey Anglican Churches