my hope

Jesus is my hope!

I think all of us on a daily basis have trouble focussing on what really matters. Whether it be the challenge of family stresses (heightened when teenagers arrive!!), the morning commute, an over-bearing boss or screaming customers each day appears more a daily wrestle than a joy to live!  I have to be honest that there are days when I wake and feel so overwhelmed about what awaits me that I am gripped not only with fear but a searing sense that I am not up to the job. It is often at this point I am reminded of Jesus. Not just Him but a reminder that he died on a cross for me. As this reality floods my being I can see the way through the day and the morning haze is replaced with a steadfast purpose. Indeed the scope of hope is much deeper as not only is there an assurance of support despite my frailties there is also a reminder that I have eternal life!

Mike Baird, former Premier of NSW, member of St Matt’s on The Corso, Manly.


Mike Baird